At C3 we offer communion six times each year: 3 times during our Night of Worship service and 3 times through small groups.
Understanding Communion
What is communion?
Also referred to as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist. Communion is a chance for believers to remember and show gratitude to Jesus for his sacrificial death.
Who can take communion?
Anyone who believes in and trusts the Lord Jesus Christ alone for his or her salvation! If you are not sure of the status of your relationship with Jesus, we expect that you will simply ‘pass’ until you are sure.
Why is there communion?
The primary purpose of Communion is for followers of Jesus to take time to remember all that the Lord has done for us. It is a time to worship and give thanks for the forgiveness of our sins and the new life and relationship that we have in Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 11.23–26 it is explained t
When does C3 serve communion?
At C3, Night of Worship services and Group Life gatherings are some of the most appropriate spaces to administer communion. In addition to worship celebration nights, we regularly serve communion in and about the sixth week of group life in any given semester.
Where and how often should we celebrate communion?
Communion can take place, not only at church or in the church building, but also in homes and appropriate places all around the city. God invites us to celebrate as often as we feel is appropriate. In Acts 2:42–47, we read that believers met on a regular basis in their homes to celebrate Communion.

Serving communion in groups
There are many ways to serve Communion. The Bible does not dictate a certain method. Be creative and use variety. Whenever communion is served in your group, the important thing is to remember that this is a time of giving your attention to Jesus. Enjoy it and you will see yourself and your friends grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Group Ideas for Communion
1. Get a loaf of unsliced bread and some grape juice.
2. Read selected passages of Scripture that remind us of the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection: Psalm 22; 1 Corinthians 15:1–8; Isaiah 53; Galatians 2:16–21; Mark 15:21–29; Ephesians 2:1–10; John 19; Philippians 2:1–11.
3. Pass the bread around and ask each member to take a piece. The bread represents the body of Jesus Christ that was broken for us.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 11:23–26. Pass around a cup of juice and invite members to dip their bread into the cup. The juice is Jesus’ blood shed for us.
5. Spend some time in personal prayer and reflection.
6. Close with prayer and praise.
Find what communion style works well for your group. Don’t be afraid to try new things.
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